Junior Christian Life (JC Life) is a camp designed for young people in Years 4–6.
It is aimed at providing a fun, safe place for young people to meet others of their own age and grow in their relationship with God.
Thanks to the LLL for their continued generous sponsorship of camp in 2024. For more information about the LLL, check out their website.
Blueprint Ministries is the Children, Youth, Family and Young Adult ministry team within the Lutheran Church of South Australia and Northern Territory District. One of the things that we do is run camping ministry programs for young people throughout our District.
For more information about our District, click here.
JC Life Camp caters for young people in school years 4-6. From across the SA-NT District, especially those from the Riverland Zone who originally commenced the camp program.
People of all backgrounds are welcome, from people who have been regularly worshipping members of a church community for many years to those who have never set foot in a church before! Members of all denominational backgrounds are very welcome and encouraged to attend and participate. Please note that camp will contain Lutheran theological teaching.
A day in the life at JC Life
To begin our fun filled days at JC Life camp, our Tech gurus will generally wake the campsite up with a VeggieTale classic.
The morning then generally proceeds with:
BREAKFAST!!! This could be pancakes, bacon, eggs, or other delicious things.
We then head into WORSHIP; our camp band plays some sweet tunes and our Pastor will give a message.
Our SMALL GROUP sessions where we discuss our camp theme and maybe play a couple mini games.
For a brain break, campers and leaders enter BOOTCAMP (don’t be alarmed! It’s just morning fitness; soccer, a stroll, line dancing, etc).
Our afternoons contain:
FUZZY WRITING TIME; an opportunity to write kind things to fellow campers and leaders.
One of our campers’ favourites are our BIG OUTDOOR GAMES where every camper and leader are involved (either in small groups or one large group).
FREE TME is an opportunity for campers to play board games, get a game of sport going, read a book, etc.
We then have a second WORSHIP session.
Our evenings contain:
NIGHT GAMES! Quizzes, Cluedo’s, theme/dress up night, and more. Not to mention there is occasionally the appearance of Glow Sticks.
As campers get ready for bed, they are led through BUNKHOUSE where they share with their fellow dormmates their highlights of the day and share stories.
LIGHTS OUT! Time to rest for the next day of camp!
*please note, our days are subject to change slightly due to weather and other circumstances that may arise.
Camp will be held at Camp Kedron at Barmera (see map below.)
The campsite includes dormitory accommodation. Participants will need to bring their own bedding.
Bus transport will be available from Adelaide and the Barossa for an additional fee. This can be booked at the time of registration. Bus transport is subject to reaching a minimum requirement of users.
Camp will take place from 7 - 10 July 2025.
Camp will commence at 1pm.
2024 Fees:
$195 per camper | $5 discount per sibling
Thanks to the generous support of the LLL, we are able to offer participants the opportunity to attend their first camp for just $50! Please contact admin@blueprintministries.org.au for more information.
If you require financial assistance to attend camp, please contact the Blueprint Ministries Team: admin@blueprintministries.org.au or 08 8267 5211
Want to share the word at your congregation/school?
To download printable and digital promotional resources, head to this link.
We are excited to offer JC Life Merchandise! We will have JC Life branded beanies available for $15, and blankets available for $30. These will be available for purchase during the registration process.
All of our leaders are required to complete the Lutheran Church of Australia’s Safe Church training, hold a current Working with Children Check background screening through the Department of Human Services (under current Government legislation) and must obtain two references prior to joining the team. They are also required to have completed a component of ministry training.
We also have a number of our team members trained in Senior First Aid and Mental Health First Aid.
If you are interested in joining our team, we’d love to hear from you! You can submit your expression of interest here.